Inspiration for Your Jesse Tree Advent Calendar Display
What is the Jesse Tree?
There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse,
and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit (Isa. 11:1).
The first dated illustration of the Tree of Jesse is found in an illustrated manuscript, Vyšehrad Codex of Bohemia from the year 1086. It inspired countless illustrations and depictions in every artistic medium from stained glass and floor mosaics to reliefs, paintings, and more. The Jesse Tree retold the story of God’s plan for salvation to the ordinary people, many of whom could not read or write.
Originally the Jesse Tree depicted only persons in the family tree of Jesus, those people directly mentioned in the genealogies in Matthew and Luke, but over time the tradition broadened to include stories and people who point the way to Jesus even if they’re not directly in Jesus’s lineage.
We structured our book, The Joy of Advent, around the Jesse Tree. While most stories involve characters in Jesus’s lineage, we, like more recent traditions, include some outside his genealogy. All the events and figures were carefully selected because they or their stories point the way to Jesus with such beauty and power we can’t not share them.
Since our celebration continues throughout the Twelve Days of Christmas, rather than go back into history, we move forward to events and people important in Christ’s early life. This structure is all at once Biblical, meaningful, and provides a concrete way for even young children to discover God’s plan for themselves and the world as it is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ.
With 25 symbols, and another 12 for the Twelve Days of Christmas, how do you display them beautifully, memorably, and meaningfully? Read on for inspiration and for a printable list of all the Jesse Tree figures!
Jesse Tree in Small Spaces: Go Tiny
Our go-to Jesse Tree is and has always been a miniature tree with miniature ornaments. See our original tree below (complete with our homemade ornaments! Tutorials right here in our resource library!). We’ve since upgraded to a lighted, wire cherry tree that is much less tippable in a cat-and-toddler-friendly home.
Instructions to craft your own mini-ornaments are in progress, so keep checking back to see our full set! Our shop also has printable stickers and mini ornaments, either of which could work beautifully with a table-top tree display.
Our Mini Tree
It served us for many years, despite finding its way to the floor a few times. Poor Jonah has two arms in this picture. No longer.
For Guaranteed Family Fun: Add Treats!
A favorite with the children, and a tradition since their early childhood, is our wooden Advent calendar with just enough doors for Christmas. Add treats and put one day’s sticker in behind each door (print the sheet, cut to separate) to use our printable Advent Calendar. Since most boxes only have 24-25 doors, when Christmas comes, refill boxes 1-12 for the Twelve Days of Christmas!
Family traditions like a fill-able Advent calendar
build memories and keep the Joy bright all season long!
Match Any Decor & Save Space
We display our Christmas cards by stretching a ribbon over a doorway, archway, or window and attaching cards with mini clothespins. Why not do the same with your Jesse Tree symbols? Print ornaments or draw on note cards and hang with twine, raffia, mini clothespins, or whatever best suits your decor.
Check our shop for lots of printable options!
Create an attractive wall hanging
to display your Advent ornaments beautifully in any decor.
Go Big: Make Your Christmas Tree a Jesse Tree
Watch your Christmas tree fill with color and meaning throughout the season, or add to your decorated tree to play Advent “I Spy” with the whole family!
Find full-sized ornaments for full-sized tree using the list of symbols below. Or download and print ours, craft them using our stickers, wooden blanks, or your own creativity.
Watch your tree grow throughout the season!
Adding an ornament a day brings a tree to life and makes lasting memories.
Get Creative: Walls, Gifts, Crafts and More!
Just a few creative ideas for your Advent display include…
Large wall “tree” made with Washi Tape. Tape ornament cut-outs from our shop!
Hang treat-filled bags or mini-stockings from twine spread across the mantlepiece.
Thrift 37 Christmas-themed books, workbooks, puzzle books and wrap each individually. Be sure to include your day’s symbol in each or on the tag! Open one a day throughout the season!
Download and print one of our crafts like our paper chain Advent calendar, or printable calendar to use with stickers.
Your only limitation is your imagination!
Keep it simple with printables!
We have all the Advent printables you need in our Christmas Shop.
Do you have a Jesse Tree already? Leave a comment below and share favorite way to display your ornaments!
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