A Scarlet Thread
Weaves through all of scripture.
A Thread of Love…
From Genesis to Malachi, from Matthew to Revelation, scripture points to one person and the events of His life. All of human history as lived and recorded in the Bible is tied together with a scarlet thread of Christ's sacrifice—His gift of Himself.
Christ's very blood ties Old Testament to New; it ties creation to Kings, and the Kings to His birth in a humble manger and beyond, all the way to His life with, and death for us.
All of History
Ordered and ordained to bring a fallen world back to God.
The Scarlet Thread…
Weaves in and out of history, beginning with the creation of the world, continuing through generations, growing, always directed toward heaven. Like a tree pointing toward heaven.
And so our path…
Of reading and study during Advent uses the Jesse Tree. This ancient symbol helps to focus our view of scripture and open our eyes to God's plan as it has unfolded since the creation of the world.
While there are countless variations of Jesse Trees, most contemporary uses of the Jesse Tree focus more on favorite Bible stories and less on the original intent of the Jesse Tree—to point the way to Christ.
We've chosen 37 figures or events that most strongly represent the scarlet thread. Most are genealogical figures—people in the family tree of Christ. Some are events or figures that, while not strictly in Christ's genealogy, foreshadow Christ's coming and His gift of life to us.

Why 37 days? Christmas is on December 25th!
Christmas doesn't end on Christmas day!
The 25th of December is the day the season of Christmas actually begins.