From Our home to Yours
Our Story
A lifetime ago, or so it seems, Rebecca was working on the maintenance crew of a local church. A new hire ambled into a staff meeting and took a seat across the room. Rebecca whispered to a co-worker, "I bet he's a seminary student."
She was right, and she soon discovered that she and this young seminarian had a mission to accomplish—together. One marriage, six children, and more than twenty years later, Stephen is a respected theologian with a Ph.D. in ethics and systematic theology and decades of writing, editing, and ... well ... theologizing, alongside his wife and best friend, Rebecca. She is an award-winning author with numerous published books and a schedule divided by her vocations of author and speaker and homeschooling mother.
Together Stephen and Rebecca continue in their ministry both to their children and to the church, creating resources that seek to reignite faith, heal brokenness, and challenge all to live out their unique purposes given by God.
The Joy of Advent
This project began more than two decades ago. Rebecca began searching for Advent resources to share with her family because she wanted her children to grow up knowing—and understanding—the true meaning of Christmas. She soon realized her ideal Advent book didn’t exist, so she did what writers do, and set about writing one herself. It became a labor of love, growing a bit each year, until she had a full book completed. She made it digitally available to friends, and soon discovered that she wasn’t alone in searching for the perfect Advent resource. The format of ebook was inconvenient and limiting, and the project so full of potential to bring a much-needed message to a commercialized world, so the Joy of Advent website was born with its daily Advent and Christmastide email subscription. From there the Lord opened doors for even more families to be blessed with a printed book, The Joy of Advent: Family Celebrations for Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas.
What We Believe
Catholic and universal Christian belief is succinctly expressed in the profession of faith called the Nicene Creed:
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
More About Rebecca
Rebecca has been writing since childhood, her first book about a kitten published between homemade cardboard covers in second grade. Although she studied religion and philosophy in university, she continued writing, earning an MFA from Hamline University and publishing multiple picture books (no longer with homemade covers) and a collection of poetry with a variety of New York and independent publishers. She has also published a wide array of fiction, essays, and poetry in magazines and journals and photographs for Getty Images. She balances writing with homeschooling the younger of her six children, launching her young adults, church activities, and overseeing a small flock of chickens in rural West Michigan. Find her online at: rebeccagrabill.com
More about Stephen
Stephen has been steeped in all things theology and economics for more than three decades, earning a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology and Moral Theology, then writing, editing, speaking, and making films in an academic and think tank setting for almost twenty years. He then followed the Spirit’s leading to shift careers, focusing his energies on a tech startup, Moja Market LLC, whose mission is to promote human flourishing and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. He now directs Moja’s educational efforts while consulting, co-authoring with his wife Rebecca, supporting his home church, St. Isidore the Laborer in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and leading his family of eight into always new and exciting territory.
In the News
Holy Family Radio: A Conversation with Deacon Jim Thorndill
Hey Everybody, It’s Father Edward: Tips to Have a Joyful Advent
Holy Shenanigans with Tara Eastman: The Joy of Advent with Authors Rebecca and Stephen Grabill
Busted Halo Radio Show: Celebrating Advent in Your Home with Rebecca and Stephen Grabill
Catholic Mom: Family Celebrations for Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas
Today’s Catholic Homeschooling: Cultivate the Joy of Advent and Christmas in Your Family
Living Our Days with Michele Morin: Four New Resources for Your Advent Reflection
This Catholic Family: A Beautiful Tradition in the Making
Publishers Weekly: Anticipating the Power and Pleasure of Christmas
Find us on Goodreads: The Joy of Advent
Bob on Books: A Review of The Joy of Advent
Faith, Fiction, Friends: "The Joy of Advent" by Rebecca and Stephen Grabill
Resource Library Contributors
Becky Van Vleet
Becky Van Vleet is a retired teacher and principal and award-winning author. She and her husband make their home close to Colorado Springs where she enjoys gardening, hiking, oil painting, power walking, and spending time with her family, especially reading books to her grandchildren. Becky has devoted her website to creating and preserving family memories and sharing family stories for the next generations through her blogs and newsletters.
Richard & Elizabeth Raum
Richard Raum is a retired Presbyterian pastor who served churches in North Dakota, New Jersey, Virginia, Michigan, and New York. He shared many of these stories at church on Christmas Eve. He is married to Elizabeth Raum, an author of over 100 books for children and adults. Her latest books include Storm Warning, a middle-grade novel, Constitution Q&A, a nonfiction book for kids ages 8-12, and the Choose Your Journey series, Bible-based interactive novels for readers ages 7-10.
Katy Klimczuk
Katy Klimczuk is a wife and mother to two living in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. She was a teacher, reading specialist, and book curator before beginning her journey as a homeschool teacher and children’s author. She loves books, watercolors, and Mackinac Island. Katy is an SCBWI member and hopes to bring joy and connection through her work. Follow along on Instagram @readingladykaty.
Kristin Wolden Nitz
Kristin Wolden Nitz has celebrated Christmas, complete with poinsettias, in ten states and four countries. Two of her novels for kids are set in Italy.
Ann-Margret Hovsepian
Faith and joy are major themes in Ann-Margret Hovsepian’s life and she loves helping people find both. Her work reflects her passion for creativity as well as her commitment to truth. Whimsy and wisdom: Together they make for one seriously joyful life!
Ann-Margret has been writing professionally for over 25 years and illustrating coloring books since 2015. She has written hundreds of articles and is a bestselling author, co-author, or illustrator of multiple books. Ann-Margret’s newest book, The Joy of Working at Home, is a collaboration with three other freelance writers.
Mary Dodge Allen
Mary Dodge Allen has won the 2022 Christian Indie Award from the Christian Indie Publisher's Association and two Royal Palm Literary Awards from the Florida Writer's Association. She is part of the blogging team for the Heroes, Heroines and History website. Mary and her husband live in Central Florida, where she has served as a volunteer with the local police department. Her childhood in Minnesota sparked her lifelong love of the outdoors. She has worked as a Teacher, Counselor and Social Worker. Her quirky sense of humor is energized by a passion for coffee and chocolate. She is a member of the Florida Writer's Association, American Christian Fiction Writers and Faith Hope and Love Christian Writers.
Karen Burton Mains
Karen Mains happens to be one of those little white-haired ladies with a decades-long history in publishing and broadcast media. A communication specialist, Mains feels this ailing world is in desperate need of healing doses of wisdom, kindness, laughter, and unconditional love. Who better to deliver such gifts than little white-haired ladies?
Mains’ history in media communications includes: Twenty years as a co-host with her husband, Dr. David R. Mains, of The Chapel of the Air, a radio outreach that aired nationally on some 500 stations with an estimated listenership of 2 million per day, and the publication of over twenty books with a cumulative sales total of over 6 million copies.
Marion Westra
Marion Westra, known by family as Grandma Daisy, went to be with the Lord December 21st, 2022. She celebrated 98 years of life. She has three sons and daughters-in-love, nine grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren, and two great-great grandchildren! Her life of faith and persistence has been an inspiration to all who know her.
Amelia Hughey
Amelia Hughey lives in Wisconsin with her family. She has a love for lake Michigan, and frequently walks the beach to find the materials she offers here. She’s a talented creator and owner at Walking on Light, a company which seeks to inspire everyone to share in the feeling of Walking on Light—moments of pure happiness. Visit her Etsy shop for inspiration and gifts.
Elizabeth Westra
Elizabeth Westra is a former middle school English teacher who left for ten years to teach writing for the Institute of Children's Literature. She has published more than 200 articles, short stories and poems in children's magazines. Her easy reader, Alexander and the Stallion, was published by Richard C. Owen, and "Why me, God?" appeared in the anthology, Encounters with God, by Standard Publishing. She also wrote pieces for Michigan and Nebraska's MEAP tests. She is a long time member of SCBWI-MI and a local writers' group. She loves reading, walking and photography.
Kathy McKinsey
Kathy McKinsey grew up on a pig farm in Missouri, and although she’s lived in cities for 40-something years, she still considers herself a farm girl. She’s been married to Murray for 34 years, and they have five adult children. Kathy had two careers before writing—stay-at-home-Mom and rehabilitation teacher for the blind.
She lives in Lakewood, Ohio, with her husband and their oldest son. Besides writing, she enjoys activities with her church, editing for other writers, braille drawing, crocheting, knitting, and playing with their rambunctious cat.
Marilyn Leach
Marilyn Leach is a dyed-in-the-wool British enthusiast who lives lakeside near the Colorado foothills. She enjoys viewing and reading mysteries that originate across the pond. From the Scottish Boarders to Devon, city buzz to rural church bells, she enjoys excursions throughout the beautiful isle that inspire her writing. Her dear friends, who have become like family, live in Reading, England.
Jennifer Gradnigo
Jennifer Gradnigo is a licensed realtor with Blueberry Realtors | Keller Williams Harbortown, serving West Michigan. She's the founder of Home Girl Heroes - a 501(c)3 nonprofit bringing more community heroes to homeownership. She connects our frontline professionals with multiple resources to save them thousands of dollars in the home buying and selling process. Jennifer's passion to help others comes from her 20 years of service in the U.S. Army Reserve, including a combat tour in Iraq. She lives on Sapphire Lake in Holland with her husband, precocious 11-year-old daughter, and golden retriever named Yellow.
Stephen Grabill
Stephen J. Grabill, Ph.D., co-founder of Joy of Advent, is co-author and executive producer of the film series For the Life of the World, which has reached millions of viewers. He also has 20 years experience as a senior research theologian, author, speaker, and editor. He is currently Director of Moja University and a co-founder of the IT startup, Moja Market LLC. Moja is a multi-function super-app developed for MSMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Moja was purpose-built to serve and support African entrepreneurs, a massive underserved market.
Rebecca Grabill
Rebecca Grabill, co-founder of Joy of Advent, is an award-winning and internationally published author of children’s books and mama of six from toddler to young adult. She holds an MFA in Writing from Hamline University and a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Calvin University.
When not homeschooling the younger of her six children, shuttling older teens to activities, gathering eggs from her small flock of chickens, or writing, Rebecca guest lectures at Calvin University, teaches writing workshops at elementary and high schools, and photographs for Getty Images.
Special Thanks …
Those individuals and businesses listed below go above and beyond to help us share The Joy of Advent, both the book and the resources here online. Thank you!
Patti Richards, Children's Author
Visit Patti’s website here.
Katherine, Artist and Lavender Farmer
Stay tuned for more about Katherine and her work.
Samuel Chiang, World Evangelical Alliance
Find out more about WEA here.
Becky VanVleet, Children’s Book Author
Find Becky’s books here.