I Am Herod: A Retelling


I am Herod the Great, King of Judea. I do not tolerate deceit.

Not many have tried to deceive me. Those who have did not live to try again. I have killed for lesser irritations. I even ordered the deaths of infants to destroy a rival. But that's running ahead of my story.

Sometime in the spring, an event took place that stirred all of Jerusalem. A caravan of Magi, learned priests of astrology, entered the city. People thronged the streets to see these visitors from across the desert. They came to the palace. Their camels clogged my palace courtyard. My advisors ran here and there, whispering among themselves.

These Eastern strangers requested an audience with me. I would have sent them on their way, but my advisors hinted at foreign kings in their party. I never ignore royalty; that's how I have stayed in power, by currying the favor of Rome.

They sent emissaries. I received them in the royal throne room. I was king here; I wanted that known. "What do you wish of me?" I asked.

The tallest of them, dressed in regal purple robes, rich enough for any king said, "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him." (Matt.2:22 NIV)

I sat as though turned to stone. Another King? Here in Judea? 

My advisors had heard. Whispers rippled around the room. Soon the palace buzzed with the news, "Another King, King of the Jews."

I sat as though turned to stone. Another King? Here in Judea?

"Call the Chief Priests and scribes," I ordered.

They rushed in laden with their sacred scrolls, bowing and kneeling at my feet. One read from his scroll: "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times." (Micah 5:2 NIV)

A new ruler? I don't know what more these people want. I even built them a temple for their God.  These Jews put great stock in their God and his prophecies.

I signaled the tall foreigner. He stepped nearer.

"I would see you in my private chambers," I murmured. He nodded and led the others from my throne room.

“Go and make careful search for the child.”

But something went awry. The caravan never returned.

Later, in private, I inquired when this star had appeared. I pretended interest in this ruler. I told them, "Go and make careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me so that I too may go and worship him."(Matt.2:8 NIV) I watched them mount their camels and clatter out of the courtyard.

Worship? I laughed inwardly. Once I knew where this...this infant ruler was, I'd destroy him.

I was King of Judea. I would kill to remain so.

No one thwarts my wishes. None dare try.

But something went awry. The caravan never returned. They were seen traveling around Judea, heading East. I was furious. I pounded the hard marble windowsill in the privacy of my bedchamber. I will have no other rival. I will be King of Judea.

I deduced that the child had been born sometime within the last two years. I would destroy this threat. I ordered my soldiers to slaughter all male infants under age two in Bethlehem. My subjects hate me, but they also fear me. No one thwarts my wishes. None dare try. I will remain King of the Jews, their only King.


Experience the sorrow caused by Herod’s madness and pride, captured in the classic Coventry Carol.

(Please be aware the video contains graphic imagery that may disturb sensitive viewers.)


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Elizabeth Westra

Elizabeth Westra is a former middle school English teacher who left for ten years to teach writing for the Institute of Children's Literature. She has published more than 200 articles, short stories and poems in children's magazines. Her easy reader, Alexander and the Stallion, was published by Richard C. Owen, and "Why me, God?" appeared in the anthology, Encounters with God, by Standard Publishing. She also wrote pieces for Michigan and Nebraska's MEAP tests. She is a long time member of SCBWI-MI and a local writers' group. She loves reading, walking and photography.


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